Our Mission

Acadia Adoption Center’s (AAC) mission is to cultivate and sustain compassion, courage, and strength in those individuals and couples, who are completing the actualization of an adoption placement for their birth child. Also, our mission is to support and nurture individuals and couples, who want to expand their family through adoption. The overarching belief in the best interests of the child provides a foundation for all of AAC’s activities. We believe strongly in the importance of servicing all who come to us without regard for family structure, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, or income level. We are committed to educating, counseling, and offering support. Our goal is to empower all throughout the entire adoption process. We conduct our business activities with an unwavering commitment to ethics. We strive to treat all with dignity. We insist on transparency in the adoption process, always adhering to all laws and regulations.

AAC works to maintain standards and policies that are consistent with applicable child welfare policy and law, including, without limitation, The Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (“Hague Convention”), the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (“IAA”), and the implementing regulations set forth in 22 CFR Part 96-98 (“Hague Regulations”). Specifically, Acadia Adoption Center shall abide by the principles of (a) ensuring that intercountry adoptions take place in the best interests of children; and (b) preventing the abduction, sale or trafficking of children in connection with intercountry adoption.